Ecology and Gender Working Group


The Gender and Ecology Working Group is a platform aimed at generating discussion, networking and possible collaborations between ISSRNC members working on the intersections of gender, religion and nature.

To learn more about this working group contact Elaine Nogeira-Godsey or Emma Tomalin.

Ecology and Gender Discussion Forum

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    Ecology and Gender

    Welcome to the Gender and Ecology Working Group,This group is interested to learn from those using a gender critique to approach the nature-culture nexus, both in the global south and north. What do women’s lived experiences tell us about climate change and do they suggest other approaches to mitigation? One of this group's goals is to raise questions on “what are the various ways being used to approach the intersection between gender, religion and nature, and what are their contributions to the field of religion and nature?”This platform focuses on the diverse expressions of ecological feminism, and it is our hope that this working group will become a place where academics and activists can inform each other by sharing their research and activities. Please feel free to initiate conversations or ask for suggestions in relation to your research and resources for course syllabus, for example.We welcome you in this group and are open for suggestions on how this platform can be used to serve all of us better. Don’t hesitate to contact Emma or myself for anything related to our working group. Warmest, Elaine and Emma.

Ecology and Gender Members